Singing4fun collab videos
s4f COllabs
Every month within lockdown, the group chose a song and sent in videos of themselves singing a harmony arranged by Sally. These videos were then stitched together in videos so that we could be “singing together” in times of Covid
Singing4fun (parkinsons uk)
We come together every Wednesday at the Pollock Pavillion on Ferry Road to sing songs from various traditions. The songs we sing are very simple and include rounds and easy harmonies - sometimes there will be lyrics to read but it is mainly by ear! Some of our favourites this year have been “Lay my heart” by Rachel Sermanni, “Oi khodt ditch son” - a Ukrainian lullaby, the original version of “Auld Lang Syne”, and a gospel tune - “Come along my friend”
We have a coffee break with biscuits in the middle too